Friday, September 22, 2006

Chloe Eating Pudding

Chloe gets a new sister

If you have been following along Pearl's blog (see link in sidebar), then you know most of the details of Pearl's and Chloe's adjustment as sisters. Chloe has reacted far better than we could have anticipated. She is proud of and protective of her big sister Pearl. She frequently shows compassion and loves interacting with her. I really didn't think it was possible to love Chloe more than before, but seeing this side of her and fully understanding the uniqueness of her special characteristics has endeared her more to me than ever. Chloe is very affectionate and always knows the best moment to declare "I love you Mommy" or to run up to me and and demand "HUG!" She is a non-stop ball of energy who is always doing something funny and rarely shuts her mouth.

My plan is to close out Chloe's and Pearl's separate blogs and merge them into a new blog detailing their lives as sisters. I will keep you informed and post a link when that time comes.