Monday, December 12, 2005

Yes. We're still here.

It has been awhile since our last post and we have received a lot of comments reminding us of that. Since shortly before Thanksgiving, we have had a round of colds in our household. Chloe is finishing up on round three and Mom is finishing up on round two. Dad had one bad cold at the beginning, but he has been avoiding any relapses so far.

The week before Thanksgiving, we went to a park in Thousand Oaks for National Adoption Day. We met with a group of other parents of children adopted from China and Chloe had a fun time playing. It was nice to interact with other parents and share experiences. When Choe is older, I think she will also enjoy the opportunity to spend time with other kids who share her unique circumstances.

Yesterday we were all finally feeling well enough to get out of the house. We decided to finish up our Christmas shopping by going to the mall in Valencia California. It is a lot nicer than the mall here in Bakersfield (and a lot less crowded). There is a two story carousel and a special play area for small children. They even have a lounge for parents with lots of diaper changing stations and private rooms for breast feeding. There is a bathroom with two toilets and two sinks. One of the toilets and sinks is miniaturized for children. It is so nice! Chloe had a great time although she screamed hysterically when we finally left the play area. She only cried a little when we took her off the carousel ride. It was her first time and she sure enjoyed herself. Mom stood by her side and each time the carousel made a full circle to Dad, Chloe would wave and giggle loudly. One time, she waved too soon and the lady who was the recipient waved and laughed back at her. Pete told me afterward that I didn't need to get him anything for Christmas. This day with Chloe was reward enough! I agree.


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