Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Doing Fine

Last night was our first Halloween with Chloe. I was sort of dreading it because I knew Pete wanted to take her around to the homes of our friends and family, and I wasn't sure how she would adjust to the change of schedule and how she would react to wearing a big bunny hat on her head. We had been practicing putting the headpiece on for a few weeks prior in the hopes that she would get used to it. She seemed more annoyed each time we put it on.

Well, on Halloween night she was just fine and she didn't cry at all. Between each visit, I took off the big headpiece and she seemed very curious about what was going to happen next. She seemed to enjoy people putting treats into her big plastic pumpkin. When she got home, she wanted to eat all the chips. We let her eat a few and a small chocolate bar. I think she preferred the chips.

Chloe has been adapting quite well and things seem to get smoother every day, even as she approaches the terrible twos and the need to be more independant. While her verbal skills are still progressing slowly, her comprehension skills are very good. Before and during any activity, I tend to narrarate what is going on and what is going to happen. I ask her a lot of yes and no questions and she is quick to nod or shake her head. It seems to help alot in keeping the crying fits to a minimum. Chloe is more affectionate every day. She hugs us both and like to cuddle (just a little). She also has a funny sense of humor. Her latest thing is to give one of us a real dirty onery mean look. Then I jokingly exclaim "Don't you give me that dirty look!" and then we both break out in giggles.

We had a great visit with the grandparents the other weekend. Chloe was in motion non-stop, but she enjoyed all the attention and even tolerated the 5 hour drive, once she discovered we could play movies for her in the back seat of the truck. She really enjoys the Baby Einstein series right now, especially the one that teaches all the body parts.

With all that energy, I thought that I would sign Chloe up for a baby gymnastics class, held once a week on Saturdays at the American Academy of Gymnastics. Well, Chloe has a mind of her own. Following direction and completing a series of activities in order was just not her idea of fun. Once she got to the slide, she immediately claimed ownership and refused to do anything else or let anyone else get on. Mom had to intervene multiple times and Chloe was in meltdown stage for most of the session. I think next Saturday we will try something else for activity bonding time.


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