Tuesday, July 19, 2005

One and One Half Today!

Today Chloe turned 18 months old! Since we missed her first birthday, it kinda feels like a semi-birthday today. We don't have anything exciting planned, not even a present. Maybe we will do something special tonight. Pete and I are really enjoying our time with Chloe and wouldn't change anything.

Two weekends ago, Chloe got to meet her maternal Grandparents for the first time. We all stayed together at our weekend home in Tehachapi. Chloe turned on the charm and made a grand impression. We visited again last weekend and by the end of the visit, she had Grandpa picking her up and carrying her around everywhere. He was her personal transportation system.

Chloe's vocabulary has taken a big turn today. Up until this point, it pretty much consisted of "mama", "baba", "dada", "yaya" (for yo-yo) and "Mam!" (when she wants more food now!). This morning, as I was getting ready to leave, she pointed to a buckle on my purse and loudly exclaimed "Look at that!". She has been trying to say this phrase for awhile now, but this is the first time she said it loud and clear.

She has a ball that spins on a horizontal axis and sounds out the alphabet. For the first few months home, I would spin the ball for her and sing along to the Alphabet Song. She would enjoy listening, but left it to me to spin the ball. Each letter of the alphabet is on the ball and if you press a letter, it will sound out the name. For two weeks now, she has been pressing the letter "o" and trying to immitate the sound. It is really cute, but I was wondering when she would move onto some other letters. Today she repeatedly pressed "k". At this rate, we should have the alphabet down by sometime next year! I will try to post another picture within a few days.


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